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Hi @lokki54    You're looking for the ID of a metafield correct? The query you're trying would give you the ID for a metafield definition rather than a metafield, and the APP owner type does not currently support metafield definitions so that's why y...
Hi @sun11 !   You can get a list of Metafields under a specific resource by specifying the resource's ID in the URL.   For example: // get list of products // get details o...
Hi @Sharon15 , you can add alt text to an image through the Shopify admin. Either by clicking on the thumbnail on the metafield file reference row:   Or by going to settings -> files and clicking on the row with the file you want to add alt text to....
Hello @ttpp     Your best bet is to query the name of the type and check that it starts with "list."   query Definition { metafieldDefinitions(first: 10, ownerType: ORDER) { edges { node { type { name } } ...
Hi Billy,   Metafields on Locations are supported through the API, but only in the unstable version for now.    In terms of examples there are a couple in the link you shared to the unstable GraphQL docs.   Like getting metafields attached to a locat...
Hi @matiasturunen    There is a top level query `privateMetafield` which lets you get a single private metafield by ID:   but if you want to get a specific namespace and key you ha...
Hi @bryanuybasmayor    It's not currently possible to edit preset choices on a metafield definition after creating it. We're planning on making this possible by the end of the year, but for now the only way to add more choices would be to delete the ...
Hi @matiasturunen ,   To get the ID of the shop you could use the following query: query GetShopId { shop { id } }   You might not need to provide the shop ID though, the following query may work: query GetShopPrivateMetafield { shop { ...
Glad adding the ID worked! What API version are you using? The metafieldsSet mutation is only available in 2021-10 and up.
Hi @dev-karlmax ! You're getting that error because you aren't passing in the existing metafield's ID to the customerUpdate mutation. You can grab the ID after creation and then pass it along to subsequent updates. Alternatively you could use the met...
I think your issue is the dot "." before the dynamic access "[my_variable]" Also metafields should be plural not singular, although that might have just been pseudocode. The following liquid code should work: {{[my_variable].value...
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