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The ids of all variants are included in the webhooks, so we are supposed to fetch the data for the other (up to) 1900 variants via GraphQL (can be done in 4 requests, 250 per request) and then send the data for all 2000 variants to our db / system / ...
As you can see here the field productCategory seems to be deprecated on products, and it says that you should use the 'category' instead. However, there ...
That would be good, especially with the 2000 variants update coming
I also have the problem that test orders are not counted. If I manually create an order via Admin menu, then the order counts for some reason.
So it seems that it takes a while until the data is updated. Now, 1h or 2 after the order, the result seems right.
I have a very simple Query: { customer(id: "gid://shopify/Customer/7197752197411") { numberOfOrders } }However, in the result, numberOfOrders is always "0", even though I did some test orders.The Shopify Admin menu also shows that this custom...
To me this looks like your shop variable is undefined, which comes from ctx.state.shopify during the initial authentication of the app. This part is completely handled by the code generated by the CLI - maybe spin up a fresh app and try it there, and...
Yes, you can just use router.get. For example, to have an endpoint that respond with all scripttags from the corresponding REST endpoint, you write:   router.get("/getScriptTags", verifyRequest(), async (ctx) => { const session = await Shopify....
So this is the server after you create a new embedded app with the Shopify CLI: import "@babel/polyfill"; import dotenv from "dotenv"; import "isomorphic-fetch"; import createShopifyAuth, { verifyRequest } from "@shopify/koa-shopify-auth"; import Sho...
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