Hi, I am currently using the Brooklyn Theme. I am really happy with the way everything looks. Only one small minor error I just recently noticed when adding a product to my collection (please ...
Hi, I am looking for a way to change the current lay out of the Blog Section on my Homepage. I am currently using the Brooklyn Theme. The objective is the ...
Hi, I am using the Brooklyn theme for my site. I have been able to create 3 columns of text on the home page constructed out of Rich Text sections using this section of coding from my previous ...
Brooklyn Theme: 1. Increase product image size on collection page for mobile and/or desktop only 2. Change number of products per row on collection page for mobile and/or desktop only Hi the...
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@Kinjaldavra I inspected the elements of the columns sections, and it seems to be that it is the width of each section that is creating the amount of white space (see image below):  
Hi @Kinjaldavra , you are an absolute legend! It worked. I do have a few questions. Is there a way to decrease the amount of space between each column (see image below).   And I am very curious if it is possible to add images above each section as di...
Thanks @Kinjaldavra for responding! Website URL: https://sunsetnova.nl/Password: fahtri As you can see on the image below, the Theme Editor only allows me to place 3 separate sections of Rich Text stacked below each other. The objective is to create ...
Hi,I am trying to create 3 columns of text on the home page like in the image below. I am using the Brooklyn theme.For the desktop site, the 3 columns need to appear like this (see image below). Website URL example: https://ambileds.com/ However, tak...
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