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Hi @Rae @ I used that code and the product types are wrong, It showes me also orphan product typesCan you help me?
Hi @Rae I use shop.types object to lists the product types, shop object Is yours, can you explane me where this object writes the product type? Because these elements aren' t in the theme buy in shopify system
Hi my theme use this code to list product types
I use a template of templatemonster company
Hi I create other shopify account and a update my theme, in this new account it's all ok, so the problem is in my shopify official account.In the attachment the new profile with my themeI need that shopify to solve this big problem
Hi, thanks for your support but I tried this template right now to verify ("Expanse", downloaded from shopify store) and the problem is the same, under category there are a lot oof elements tha don't exist in my site, This image expalne what I see, T...
Hi, I tried more than one template, buy the problem Is the same, i created 15 product type for about 100 products, buy, the widget show me 34 product types that I don't can are that in the following link
Hi Can you help me for the same problem? This is the link wher you can see the problem, in the left there is a widget with product type 
Hi, I have a problem with product type, I see product type that doesn't exist and this is a problem because I use a widget with product type. there is caos.Can you help me please?
This widget could not be displayed.
This widget could not be displayed.
This widget could not be displayed.
This widget could not be displayed.
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