Hi there, I am trying to move the 3 text with icons section to be inside the main body of the footer to appear like this (obviously with some styling applied!): As opposed to the defaul...
Hi there, I'mtrying to change the Warehouse Login Section to some icons instead - is there a way of hiding the Login text Section and replacing it with just a single icon?
Hi there, I'm having an issue with centre align the search using the Warehouse theme and am looking for someone to nudge me in the right direction. There seems to be a <div> that covers m...
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User Activity

Hi @Skedio  - AFAIK you have never been able to use 'Not Equal' with the tag filter. Presumably because producst have multiple tags so they are never exactly 'Equal'. That said I have never understood why 'Contains' isnt an option here.The solution i...
Hi there, I've come across a strange problem with the Empire theme where the quick-buy buttons on collection pages don't work any more. It looks like a JS error, though I have made no changes to that file (or really many changes to the collection pag...
Hi there,So sorry for the slow reply, this looks like a great solution, I haven't had chance to try it out yet!Thankyou very much for the detailed response though, I will let you know how I get on with it.
Hi there, I have a client that wants some content blocks to appear at the bottom of certain collection pages.Each one consists of an image, heading and some text. So far that can all be done with metafields easily, especially with OS2.0 The issue I a...
Hi all I have a page template which has some metafields attached and one of these contains a product handle, which I was using to pull in that products data and this worked by accessing all_products then appending the handle stored in the metafield w...
Hi there,We are doing a promotion on certain items and want to replace the store logo if someone has one of these items in their cart at checkout.I have the following so far but checkout.liquid doesnt seem to recognise any of it, though it works for ...
Thanks buddy,I was close - for some reason it didn't like the huge class name that was there.Unfortunately what I'm trying to jam in there is a bunch of liquid to calculate dates + the html so ill see if CSS 'content' is up for a challenge So dumb t...
I am on plus, so can access checkout.liquid its just that the /orders/ status page seems to pull in the checkout page .Essentially the problem is that we provide an estimate at checkout , which is correct but then this date changes when the customer ...
Hi there,We are trying to add an estimated delivery to our checkout, which we have done successfully but we noticed that this info then appears on the order status page and we are just looking for a way to hide or update this info on the order status...
..turns out it was an <a> at the top of the block.I replaced this with a div, adding a closing div to the very bottom and adding the <a> to each button. Seems obvious now but in case this helps anyone else!
Equally, variation on this dont seem to work either, although similar is used for linkng up the main image?{%- if block.settings.link_2 != blank and block.settings.button_text_2 != blank -%} <a {% if block.settings.link_2 %}href="{{ block.settings.li...
Hi there, I'm relatively new to Liquid but quite comfortable editing some basic stuff/changing settings files but something really stumped me today and im sure there is an easy explanation!I have a block that has an <a> over the whole thing but I wan...
Hi there,Does anyone know if any good apps that allow for the automatic addition of adverts within the collections page.I found "AdQuick!" with allows for some basic templated designs to be inserted but its a bit limited. Ideally what I'm looking for...
Hi all,Relatively new here and struggling with something that's probably quite straight forward...I'm trying to add a full width html block to Warehouses Mega MenuI'm trying to amend the existing block to include something new in its settings and so ...
Thanks, I have managed to add Icons/Text with font-awesome but am having issue making them responsive now!
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