Hello, I need help to put the very bottom 2 icons to the center of the screen on the mobile version (max-width: 414px). Thank you so much for your help in advance! Store URL: https://wowberrybites....
Hello, When I click to view the detail of my product from my homepage, there is an "X" to exit and back to the homepage. However, on the mobile version, I was not able to see an "x". May someone sho...
Hello, I need help to change my featured products columns from 2 columns + flex rows to 3 columns 1 row with only 1 product each row each column. And customers have options to click "Next" arrow to ...
Hello, I would like help to change my featured collection of products to 3 columns 1 row. The customers will have an option to click the "next arrow" to view the next featured products within ...
Hi, I want to add another .png of ingredients to the picture of the bowl. Following that, I want to add CSS code to make ingredients move around the bowl. May someone directs me in the right d...
Hi! I want certain sections to have a certain background and white text and some the other way around. For example, red color for the "Organic, Locally Sourced Ingredients" section, and blue for "Ma...
Hello, I need help with embed an animated .gif next to the heading. Basically, for the yellow-soup bowl image next to the headings, I want to create an animated gif that has 4 or 5 ingr...
Hi, I want my company name "berrybites" in the center of the header. May someone help me with the code? Thank you so much! My store URL: https://wowberrybites.myshopify.com/ Passwor...
Hi, I want my company name "berrybites" in the center of the header. May someone help me with the code? Thank you so much!
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User Activity

@MarinaPetrovic thank you!
Yes @MarinaPetrovic , I removed. But the "Try Berrybites" text is still the same and has not yet been changed to #FFFFF2 
@MarinaPetrovic hello, the "Try Berrybites" text still did not change to white    
@MarinaPetrovic no it does not work. The submenu color changed to color, but now it made the "Try Berrybites" text color changed too. I want to keep the "Try Berrybites" text color white.      
@MarinaPetrovic Oh, that's code is actually for changing the color of "Try Berrybites" text. I want "Try Berrybites" text to be white color. What I wanted to change the text color is the subtext/submenu below it (which is "Berrybites Bundles & Build ...
Thank you. Do you know how to change the submenu text color to black by any chance?  
Hello, I need help with changing the background of "Try Berrybites" text + Making the corner radius of the background text to 40px Website link: wowberrybites.com Thank you   
thank you @ZestardTech 
Hello, I need help with removing the space between the image and text. Please see the screenshot. The link is https://wowberrybites.com/collections/our-meals.  Thank you  
Thank you @Denishamakwana 
Hello, I need help with reducing the space between the icon and the text. Here is my website: https://wowberrybites.com/collections/our-meals  Thank you!!   
But I do not know which file has that link.
Hello, when I click on this, it took me to the "Product" page. How I can change the page that it directed me to? My website: wowberrybites.com Thank you 
Thank youu!
Hello, I need help with changing the text color of this section (including the red more button) to AC3834. My website is wowberrybites.com Thank you!   
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