Hi there, I would like my mobile visitors to see all menu items without them having to click on the menu to see all items. Any help here would be greatly appreciated! Also, I would like to open the ...
Jun 7, 2021
Hey! My collection images take a lot of space when scrolling through products - how can I minimize the height? Cheers!
Jun 7, 2021
Hey, I'm trying to move the collection description to the bottom of the collection page... I watched this video, but it doesn't work for me. My website is greenpolarbear.org Thanks!
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Hello, we looked at a lot of ERP systems but cannot decide.. what would you recommend for a german based online shop who ships the goods themselves? And we have only few orders a month so far. Regards
Hi! Thanks for your reply! This is very unconvenient for a good customer journey, as customers want to see the amount they need to pay AFTER the voucher has been deducted (not when they already typed in everything - that is not the point of express c...
Hello! My store is greenpolarbear.orgI am trying to add the express checkout option to the checkout page, so customers can make use of the voucher option and still use paypal express checkout. Suggestions are greatly appreciated! thanks
OKay danke. Eigentlich müsste die Programmierung ja nicht schwer sein, da wir lediglich das Feld vom Checkout zum Warenkorb hinzufügen würden. Die Apps haben leider nichts gebracht, sogar eher Schaden angerichtet... da die gift cards nicht eingetrage...
Hi Gabe, vielen Dank erstmal für deine Antwort! Wir wollen lediglich die Gutschein-Code Box im Warenkorb angezeigt haben (und nicht nur / erst wenn man mit Kreditkarte oder ähnlcihes zahlen will. Falls ein Kunde bereits einen Discountcode hat und m...
Hallo! Meine Website ist https://greenpolarbear.org/ und wir würden gerne die Option des Guscheincodes schon im Warenkorb anhängen, da viele Leute über Paypal Express Checkout bezahlen. Hat hier jemand einen Tipp für uns? GrüßeNina