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A Cancel can happen in 2 ways 1) Store oversold the item hence left with no other option but to cancel 2) Customer called for a cancel. Typically restocking fee is applied during returns and if you have any returns integration like RETURNLY or LOOP R...
I guess you may not be able to do it directly but you can surely have a work around1) Create a scheduled Job which will run daily and scan through all orders from previous day2) Will filter out custom payment method jobs and lets say create a simple ...
You can use inventoryBulkAdjustQuantityAtLocation and pass inventoryItemAdjustments & location Id,because say for example you have SKU1 with inventory_Item_id as X1 and if you have 2 locations it means you will have 2 inventory level ids L1 and L2 wh...
You need to add variants into the query just like you did for productsquery {products(first: 10) {edges {node {idtitlevariants (first: 10) {edges {node {idskubarcode}}}}}}}
//THE HIGHLIGHTED @RequestBody event String is the valueToDigest or the notification that we received@RequestMapping(value = "/LocationChange", method = RequestMethod.POST)public ResponseEntity<String> locationChange(      @RequestHeader Map<String, ...
The REST API provides both SET (/admin/api/2021-10/inventory_levels/set.json) quantity and ADJUST (/admin/api/2021-10/inventory_levels/adjust.json). However with GRAPHQL looks like only the Inventory ADJUST API is available, is the understanding corr...
Hi, Could you please help understand if partial cancellation is possible for an order. I noticed that partial refund is possible during returns for both different line items or single line item quantities. Can anyone please help, Thanks !! Regards, S...
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