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We are trying to show the recharge widget on the collection page - we are rendering product cards to show products on the collection, and using recharge integrated checkout. Is there a way to render recharge widgets/ options on the collection page?
 <a href="">here</a>.
@bakedbybean No worries, absolutely, would be a pleasure  
Move whole class footer-block--newsletter in the class above it; since the class above is where your menu is  
Go to your navigation ( Online Store > Navigation ) and scroll to the bottom, you will find filter list , just add new one  
Could you share your store url?
@Eleftheria2022  You can add it to your navigation to the menu you used in your footer 
@WitchCutie  To update the link found in this section of the Cart page, this can be done in the language section found in the Themes tab (Online Store > Themes > Customize > Edit Languages). On the language edit page, search Continue browsing HTML,  ...
I suggest coding - creating 2 sections that you'd be able to customize later(change text, links, images, colors - without code), and reuse however and wherever you want  
@Wegan  .announcement-bar__message { padding: 1rem 2rem; margin: 0; letter-spacing: .1rem; text-align: left !important; }Add this to your base.css or find .announcement-bar__message in base.css and change the first "text-align: cent...
@Ben1000 Add new schema block to your rich section (text block) called schema-id, and on the first class add id="{{}}" .In the section with CTA, add    { "type": "text", "id": "anchor_link", "label": "Section ...
No worries, enjoy!  
@DK7 No worries. You can either add it in your CSS file (in Dawn for example it would be in base.css) or add it on top of the code you pasted previously, before any class <style> .row { display: flex; margin: auto; justify-content: cent...
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