Jun 30, 2021
Hello everyone, I'm working on Venture theme and I'd like to add quick view button. I know what to do but dont know how to do. What I'm trying to do, in my opinion, is easy. Basically, when I click...
Jun 29, 2021
In the default venture theme even in the preview of it, there is back to collection button on product page, I use the same theme but I dont have the button at the same place, how can I enable it...
Hello, I'm thinking to add add to cart button to the products on collection list but I want it to look like + character. Here's an example of what I want it to look like. Is there any way I can do th...
Jun 26, 2021
I dont want it to be shown when I write something to the search bar. Can you help me with hiding this option?
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Hey @Nick_Marketing Thank you for helping. The code didn't work at first but I added !important to the right side of the value and it worked. Thank you so much.
Hello, as you see in the picture, the navbar isn't centered vertically. How can I solve that?My store link: https://wiggleduck.com/
Hey @Beyblade-Gamer,I cant describe how appreciated I am, thank you so much for sharing this beautiful codes with us and your generosity. With some custom changes, I made my website look like the way I want it to be. You're a saint. Bless you!
I'm still looking for a solution for this
You're amazing. It worked. Thank you so much. I appreciate it. @suyash1
Hello, I made my slider full-width by adding this code to theme.liquid just before the <main> tag. {% section 'slider' %} After that, I removed "slider" from settings_data.json to not to see any other in customization. "content_for_index": [
Hello, I made my header sticky by using some codes in minimal theme.It works perfectly on desktop and google chrome mobile but in Opera mobile app, when I zoom in to anywhere in the page, the header shows up all the time as long as I zoom.A screensho...
@KetanKumar I'm not sure if this is what I'm looking for, in the example of the code, the header is always visible on the top. I should make it visible when scrolling up and invisible when scrolling down.I found this one on the web, that's a perfect ...
Hello @Kinjaldavra It didn't work, it cancelled the sticky header
Hello, in minimal theme there's no sticky header in default settings.I added it by using those codes;.header-bar {
position: fixed;
z-index: 999;
width: 100%;
header.site-header {
padding-top: 100px;
} It works just fine but also I'...
@dmwwebartisan The second code you posted worked. Thank you so much.@Zworthkey Your code worked perfectly too, but I put it to bottom of theme.scss.liquid, didn't try top of the timber.scss.liquid. Thank you so much!
@Zworthkey wiggleduck.com
Hello, I tried this code ;.product-single__description{ font-size: 12px; }and it didn't work. I use Minimal theme, is there any other way?
@diego_ezfy Thanks for your precious help. Problem solved.
@oscprofessional How did you do it? I don't see any differences between the original file. Sorry if I'm missing.