Jul 18, 2021
I'm using the Warehouse theme. As a large nursery I have over 20,000 items, I can't set them all to be grouped together as variants, so I'd like to add the size under the product name and above the p...
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This is the reply I received from the tech team: This was my reply:"Hi Julia,I understand I can do it that way. The issue is I have thousands of images that have been duplicated that I need to amalgamate. Doing it the way you've showed is incredibly ...
Metaobjects is a good idea going forward, although I think it should be the standard for product images rather than an alternative. I plan on using this going forward.The current issue is still the retroactive fixing of the duplicates that are alread...
I spoke with a support person and they also said they would escalate the situation to the technical team. I sent the support person my specific CSV as well. Hopefully with a live sample from my store it might help highlight where the issue needs to b...
So I'm the one that originally wrote the post. The change just rolled out to my store, which is working well for new products. HOWEVER, I now have tens of thousands of OLD products with duplicate images. I downloaded an export of my entire database a...
I'm trying to change the text "Ship to" on the Shop Pay checkout page to "Bill to"I've previously changed the text "Shipping" to "Handling Fee" on the same page using similar code. But I can't get it to work this time.I have the following code added ...
Hi Moeed,I've tried your solution but it hasn't worked for me, not sure if I'm doing something wrong. This is where I've pasted the code in theme.liquid (Where it says "<---- Pasting Here")But no change to the shop pay screen as you can see:
Woops, sorry.https://western-perennials.myshopify.com/
Due to a quirk of how we've had to set up our shop, we've needed to change the word "Shipping" on all our checkout pages to "Handling Fee". I've done this successfully through the Settings - Checkout - Manage Checkout Language section for all pages e...
Is anyone else having this issue? Anyone know of a solution?
I have a store for a garden centreAs a result I have a lot of products (literally thousands) that share the same images (as we get the same plants in from multiple suppliers depending on the time of the year.) whether it's a collection place-holder i...