413 Request Payload Too Large receiving for some webhooks

413 Request Payload Too Large receiving for some webhooks

Shopify Partner
2 0 1


Our server is configured in a way that we receive request sizes up to 50MB. But for some webhooks we receive from your end, which have size 14KB and more (maybe even 10KB and more), 413 error code gets raised. 

Do your webhook events have some specific request size limits which could cause this error? If yes, what are your limitations, we are specifically interested in 'orders/created' and 'orders/updated' webhooks. Also, if you do have them, is there a way to increase this limit or handle this in any way?

If you think that something else might cause the issue, let us know too, if possible.

Thank you!

All the best.

Reply 1 (1)

Shopify Staff
9 0 10


Sorry to hear about this issue! For the webhooks max content size, I can say:

HTTP webhooks have no max size

- AWS Eventbridge webhooks have a max size of 256 KB

- GCP webhooks have a max size of 1 MB


It seems that the 413 is raised at your end while consuming the webhook, so it probably is a misconfiguration at your end. Our webhooks are POST requests, so maybe checkout the configuration around that.


Hope this helps!


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