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Re: App Url Update issue for Development

App Url Update issue for Development

Shopify Partner
2 0 4

I am trying to develop an app by using webhooks. I configured my app and started to develop. For first 30 mins, everything was fine but then my webhook started to not working. When I check app insights, it seems it is sending webhook request to another URL;


It is webhook request;



It is actually configured URL;



It happened 3-4 times for me while developing and there are no fix. Just it is fixing automatically, after 2-3 hours and it is really disturbing and frustrating. Looking for solution.


Replies 2 (2)

Shopify Staff
1453 238 531

Hey @htuzel,

After testing several webhook setups across a number of stores, development apps, subscription topics, and webhook configurations (tested HTTPS and Pub/Sub), everything worked as expected.

Based on the pictures shared, it appears the callbackUrl endpoint setup in the example is an ngrok URL. If this is a static tunnel you have configured in ngrok on your end, based on that error the tunnel may not be running. Otherwise, the server on the other end of may not have responded with a 200 - more on this in the troubleshooting doc. There are also other resources if you are considering using either of the other available webhook configuration types - Google Cloud Pub/Sub or Amazon EventBridge.

Though we were unable to replicate any issues or unexpected behaviours in testing, there are some resources for working through our Webhook Configuration docs, along with a setup guide for HTTPS Webhooks specifically.


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Shopify Partner
2 0 4

I still have the same issue. I can reproduce it to you if you are interested. I started to use cloudflared but it is still same. I believe when you update app URL, it is not updating webhook part.


İf you are interested schedule a call from here and we can discuss.. https://calendar.app.google/XQQSazEbni43LtNVA