can shopify provide a public url for my custom app?

can shopify provide a public url for my custom app?

Shopify Partner
8 0 0



I have created a custom embedded app (nodejs app) that retrieves data from a booking system, by putting my ngrok generated app url in their webhook, when there is a new booking I can get in my post endpoint, the booking data.


the problem that I have is ngrok public URL is not permanent, how I can have a permanent public URL for my app endpoints hosted in Shopify?


is it possible to use the app admin url as a public url like that https://{shop} (post or get)?







Reply 1 (1)

Shopify Staff
129 15 25

Hey Yazid - thanks for getting in touch. At the moment, we don't provide custom domains for receiving webhook callbacks or other app related API message bodies, but it's my understanding that ngrok does offer permanent URLs on their higher tier plans if you wanted to look into that as an option for a method to more reliable receive your app data. 

You might also want to take a look at HookDeck or RequestBin as alternatives. 


All the best going forward, definitely understand how using those ephemeral/temporary URLs for webhook capture can be a little difficult when you've first set up an app. 



Alan | API Support @ Shopify
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