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Re: Checkouts/create doesnt work

Checkouts/create doesnt work

Shopify Partner
6 0 1

I have registered hook checkouts/create, but when i click on "Buy it now" or "Checkout" button it doesn't call my endpoint that i add to "address" key. Last time it worked on 24.06.2022, but from 26.06.2022 it doesn't work and i didn't change anything in my codebase, it just stopped working. 

app/uninstall hook could call my endpoint but checkouts/create no...


 id: 1051913879637,
 address: 'https://885f-194-32-139-23.eu.ngrok.io/api/webhooks/checkout/create',
 topic: 'checkouts/create',
 created_at: '2022-06-28T10:55:22+03:00',
 updated_at: '2022-06-28T10:55:22+03:00',
 format: 'json',
 fields: [],
 metafield_namespaces: [],
 api_version: '2022-04',
 private_metafield_namespaces: []   


Could someone explain what is going here?  

Replies 4 (4)

Shopify Staff
129 15 25

Hi @mak7kdnchk - thanks for reaching out. I took a quick look into this on our end and can confirm that the webhook are working as expected. I was able to receive a webhook for the checkout/create topic on my test store when I created a checkout.


That said, this is definitely odd since you mentioned you were able to receive the app/uninstall webhook as well. Are you using the same ngrok domain for the app/uninstall callback endpoint? I do know if you're using a temporary ngrok tunnel these can sometimes expire. My recommendation would be to set up another webhook with the same topic using a tool like www.webhook.site to see if the hook triggers there. If it still doesn't please reply back here and I'd be happy to take a look into this further with you. 


If you do get back in touch with us, would you be able to share the webhook ID for your other app/uninstall webhook? I'd like to see if we can compare the two webhook subscriptions in our logs to see why one worked and the other didn't. If the webhook does trigger using webhooks.site, it's possible that the issue may be related to that ngrok domain. 


Hope this helps provide some next steps. Cheers!

Alan | API Support @ Shopify
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Shopify Partner
6 0 1

Thank you for answer Alan. 
I tried with webhook.site, but the orders/create webhook still doesn't work. Here is my registered webhooks.

   webhooks: [
       id: 1052028076117,
       address: 'https://bd54-185-177-190-141.eu.ngrok.io/api/webhooks/uninstalled',
       topic: 'app/uninstalled',
       created_at: '2022-06-29T20:05:32+03:00',
       updated_at: '2022-06-29T20:05:32+03:00',
       format: 'json',
       fields: [],
       metafield_namespaces: [],
       api_version: '2022-04',
       private_metafield_namespaces: []
       id: 1052028108885,
       address: 'https://webhook.site/4f536b2e-6ec9-49f1-b714-08277e3fabe9',
       topic: 'checkouts/create',
       created_at: '2022-06-29T20:05:33+03:00',
       updated_at: '2022-06-29T20:05:33+03:00',
       format: 'json',
       fields: [],
       metafield_namespaces: [],
       api_version: '2022-04',
       private_metafield_namespaces: []


Shopify Staff
129 15 25

Hi Mak7kdnchk - thanks for getting back in touch. This is definitely weird. Could you reach out to us through our "Report an Issue" form here at this link (after logging into your Shopify Partner organization). In that form, if you could provide the webhook subscription IDs again, as well as the myshopify.com URL for the store they attached to/any additional information, we'd be able to take a deeper look into why they seem not to be triggering for you. We'd be able to reply via email and can handle more sensitive store/account related info that way rather than publicly through the forums here. 


Hope to hear from you that way soon - let us know if you have any additional questions in that form too, happy to help. 

Alan | API Support @ Shopify
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- To learn more visit Shopify.dev or the Shopify Web Design and Development Blog

Shopify Partner
6 0 1

@Alan I sent an email a week ago but still have not received any response with potential solution and the webhooks still do not work on any of my stores.