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Custom app deprecated API error

Custom app deprecated API error

Shopify Partner
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We are receiving the below error even after upgrading from an unsupported API version 30 days ago (now on 2022-04). Has anybody experienced this?



Replies 2 (2)

Shopify Staff
1453 239 531

Hi @SarahT3 . This message is showing because the app is calling an unsupported or unspecified API version OR because its calling some deprecated or about to be deprecated resources. You can use this REST call to check if your making calls to deprecated resources. https://shopify.dev/api/admin-rest/unstable/resources/deprecated-api-calls, and you can also check with our Partner Support team with your API client id/ app details as they can look on our internal db to see if your calling deprecated resources still as well. Hope this helps. 

Developer Support @ Shopify
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Shopify Partner
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I believe that endpoint, or your detection of deprecated calls is not working correctly. I have ended up having to uninstall and re-install a private app to reset the report.  


We have another merchant with a private app where the webhook api version is 2023-04 and we are getting warnings of deprecated calls for version 2022-10!







The api version was changed a few days ago and its still indicating in the report that it was detected today. How can that be?




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