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Re: Filtering prdocuts by tags

Filtering prdocuts by tags

3 0 1

Hi, i'm trying to use this api "/admin/api/2023-07/products.json?tags=MY_TAG" to filter products by tag but it just return with the full list of my products. What am i doing wrong?


To add a bit: my final goal is to create a survey where, after it's been submitted, I can filter products with the answers given by the customers so that i can show them the list, or the single product, that they are looking for.


Thanks in advance!

Reply 1 (1)
3 0 1

Thanks for the reply.
I've seen the documentation, but since the Product resource has tags as parameters I thought there would be an api for that too.
So I guess the only way to filter for tags is get the full list and then filtering the array through js or similar