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Re: Get "re-opened store" information via webhook

Get "re-opened store" information via webhook

Shopify Partner
98 0 17

The app dashboard shows installs (installs/re-opened stores) and uninstalls (uninstalls/closed stores).

While install is clear due to the first call by the shop to the app. And uninstall is clear due to the webhook app/uninstall.

How do you detect closed and re-opened stores?

When I receive the "shop/update" webhook topic, I check the current plan of the shop. When I receive "Unavailable Shop", then I can assume that they are closed. Fair enough.

Is there a reliable way to get the information that a shop has been re-opened? I know I could do it by checking whether the last event that I received was "Closed Store", but it feels wrong. Is there a webhook that provides the information at the moment when the shop is re-opened? Or is the a way to retrieve the app history via the api, finally?

Why is this important to me?

Because we permanently try to optimize our own conversion rate by constantly checking where we lose merchants who installed our app. And that's why we need detailed events to better understand how man active users we really have and what are the reasons when they stop to use our app (difference between closed shop and uninstalled the app).

The goal is to also have the same numbers in the app dashboard and our internal KPI tool.

Replies 8 (8)

Shopify Partner
98 0 17

And I can't pause my development store (!) without supplying credit card information for the store. Otherwise I would test it with this store.

When I close my development store completely, I don't see a way to re-open it without selecting a plan and providing credit card information ...

Shopify Partner
16 0 5

Hey @Felix2 - did you ever find a solution to this?

Littledata: Smart connectors for ecommerce growth
7 0 2

@Felix2 & @edwardupton do either of you have a solution for this? We are trying to do the same thing and can't get our numbers to match.

Shopify Partner
16 0 5

I believe the only solution currently is to ping the closed stores regularly to check if the response is something new.

However, our problem is that Shopify seems to sometimes respond with a 404 Not found even if the store is not in fact closed. A webhook would be much neater

Littledata: Smart connectors for ecommerce growth
7 0 2

Based on that, it means there is no way to get a refreshed access token. We have to wait until the store logs back into our app.

Shopify Partner
16 0 5
But surely you store the accessToken? It doesn't change when the shop
re-opens. It is not like they are uninstalling.
Littledata: Smart connectors for ecommerce growth
7 0 2

I am storing it, but it stops working as soon as a store closes, and I assumed that it would stay invalid upon re-open.

I'll run a few tests.

1 0 1

How do  detect closed and re-opened stores?