Topics covering webhook creation & management, event handling, Pub/Sub, and Eventbridge, in Shopify apps.
I'm experimenting with the Fulfillment webhooks and API and I'd like to get the webhooks for all fulfillment / shipping related events.
I have found fulfillments/create, fulfillments/update and fulfillment_events/create events and subscribed to them. When in my development store I fulfill an order, I get the fulfillments/create webhook, all good. But I would also like to test and play with the fulfillments/update and fulfillment_events/create events.
Can you recommend me a way of setting up a test shipping service that would let me fake the actual fulfillment steps / events?
Does Shopify offer a shipping service for testing purposes? I'm looking for something similar to what Bogus Gateway is like for payments.
Or is there any 3rd party shipping service provider that makes it easy to test in sandbox mode?
Hi, David.
This is Max from the Shopify Guru Team.
Are you using a Partner account to set up your test store? If not, it's definitely something to consider so you can play around with the development store option.
I think that some of the API documentation might help you find a solution for the shipping issue. CarrierService and FulfillmentService might be good ones to consult.
If you need any more support with API, this Forum and this site for Developers would be the best options for more information.
[email protected]
To learn more visit the Shopify Help Center or the Community Blog.
Hi Max, thanks for your response.
Yes, I'm using a development store that I set up through our Partner account.
So are you saying that there's no shipping service for testing purposes and we should implement our own solution based on CarrierService and FulfillmentService to be able to test the webhooks? Sounds like a lot of work, there's should be some easier, existing solution... ? ?