i have no "topic" property in the payload. (SUPER NOOB QUESTION)

i have no "topic" property in the payload. (SUPER NOOB QUESTION)

Shopify Partner
7 0 3

So this is the code i get when i first create an app with shopify cli (with some small variations) 




export const action = async ({ request }) => {
  console.log("ejecutando request webhook");
  /* Verificamos que sea un webhook válido de Shopify
  if (!verifyShopifyWebhook(request)) {
    return json({ message: "Unauthorized" }, { status: 401 });
  const payload = await request.json(); // Obtenemos el payload del webhook
  if (payload.topic === "app/uninstalled") {
    console.log("App desinstalada", payload);
    // Lógica para manejar la desinstalación
  } else if (payload.topic === "app_purchases_one_time/update") {
    console.log("Compra de app actualizada", payload);
    // Lógica para manejar la actualización de compras
  console.log("pinto", payload);
  // Siempre devolver una respuesta
  return json({ message: "Webhook recibido correctamente" });

  const { topic, shop, session, admin } = await authenticate.webhook(request);
  console.log("esto nunca pasa", topic);
  if (!admin && topic !== "SHOP_REDACT") {
    // The admin context isn't returned if the webhook fired after a shop was uninstalled.
    // The SHOP_REDACT webhook will be fired up to 48 hours after a shop uninstalls the app.
    // Because of this, no admin context is available.
    throw new Response();

  // The topics handled here should be declared in the shopify.app.toml.
  // More info: https://shopify.dev/docs/apps/build/cli-for-apps/app-configuration
  switch (topic) {
      if (session) {
        await db.session.deleteMany({ where: { shop } });

      console.log("COMPRARON UNA VEZ");
    case "SHOP_REDACT":
      throw new Response("Unhandled webhook topic", { status: 404 });

  throw new Response();


and this is what i have if i print the Payload:


 app_purchase_one_time: {
 admin_graphql_api_id: 'gid://shopify/AppPurchaseOneTime/3120824564',
 name: '4 AI Videos',
 status: 'ACTIVE',
 admin_graphql_api_shop_id: 'gid://shopify/Shop/71627636980',
 created_at: '2024-09-12T12:14:16-04:00',
 updated_at: '2024-09-12T12:14:23-04:00'


 So my question is simple... WHERE IS TOPIC??? none of those cases will trigger (i think) because there is no payload.topic. Right? what am i missing here?


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