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Is this integration allowed?

Is this integration allowed?

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Hi Folks,


We have a SaaS system called Catermonkey, and we want to integrate with Shopify.


Basically we want this:

  • Customer orders food in a shopify store
  • The order is synced to catermonkey (we provide tools for Chefs to prepare the meals, like recipes, ingredients etc.)
  • The order is synced through a webhook

But Catermonkey is a stand-alone tool with no freemium. In the case somebody coming from Shopify, clicking 'install app', I'd like to show a 'log in screen', asking the user to sign up / sign in with us.


Easy, but, then I read this:


If your app is using a payment method or billing system other than the Shopify Billing API, then it will be rejected.

I am not totally sure how to interpret this. We have our own subscription/billiing system, in fact, some users would first have an account with us, and then add a Shopify store AFTER THAT. 


I would like to just be able to give the Shopify Review Team credentials to our app, so that they can test it out.


But is, what I'm trying to do, allowed? Trying to figure out before investing lots of time building this flow...





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