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Missing Order ID in Order fulfillment webhook event

Missing Order ID in Order fulfillment webhook event

7 1 2


We are building a private app to retrieve fulfillment data (tracking number, carrier, and other shipping related data) from Fulfilment crate/update event via webhook.

See https://shopify.dev/docs/admin-api/rest/reference/events/webhook?api%5Bversion%5D=2020-10 the following section:

Fulfillmentfulfillments/create, fulfillments/update



The response keys "id" and "order_id" which do not represent the actual Order ID values displayed in Shopify Admin as an order number.

The only seemingly similar value to the order number is "name" where the value looks like that

"name": "#9999.1",

where 9999 is the order number.

Is there a parameter/key somewhere in response that would contain the actual Order Number visible to the customer and admin?

Replies 5 (5)

Shopify Staff (Retired)
63 10 15


No, the fulfillment update webhook does not contain the order name, for more information on the order, including the order name, I'd recommend subscribing to the orders/update webhook

mrad | Developer @ Shopify 
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7 1 2

Thank you for the suggestion @mrad 

In the event when the order is fulfilled, would order update webhook payload include the tracking number, carrier, and the shipping service picked by a customer?


Shopify Staff (Retired)
63 10 15

Hey Deam, I'm not entirely sure the exact payload of the orders/update webhook but I believe it contains shipping and carrier information, but not the tracking number. For more info on payloads you can have a look here: https://shopify.dev/docs/admin-api/rest/reference/events/webhook

mrad | Developer @ Shopify 
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7 1 2


I really appreciate your candid responses and help.

We'd like to minimize the load on Shopify and on our infrastructure, thus making a separate connection on ORDER create/update event to fetch just the Order Number and getting Tracking Number, Carrier, and Service from the Fulfillment event seems very inefficient.

Is there any reason as to why the Fulfilment webhook doesn't have the order number in it?

If that's a mistake or an oversight, are there any plans on getting that value into the payload of the Fulfilment event?

Shopify Staff (Retired)
63 10 15

Hi Deam, I can't speak to why the Fulfilment webhook doesn't have the order number, however, it's unlikely that it'll be added in any time in the near future which is why I'd recommend subscribing to the order event.

mrad | Developer @ Shopify 
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