Topics covering webhook creation & management, event handling, Pub/Sub, and Eventbridge, in Shopify apps.
We have found a weird case. We updated a product on Shopify using below graphql query:
"query": "mutation ProductUpdateAndInventoryActiveMutations($product: ProductInput!, $variantCount: Int!, $activeInventoryMutation #if($metaTagCount > 0)$deleteMutation#{else}#end) { $activeInventoryMutationQuery #if($metaTagCount > 0) $deleteMutationQuery #end productUpdate: productUpdate( input: $product ) { product { id: legacyResourceId metafields(first: 250) { edges { node { id key value type namespace } } } variants(first: $variantCount) { edges { node { id: legacyResourceId title } } } } userErrors { field message } } }"
And the product was updated on shopify without any user error. PFA below:
But the recieved webhook contains different quantity:
Can we know why we haven't recieved the webhook of the updated quantity from shopify ?
We have also went to shopify admin account to check if the quantity was updated and we found that it was updated.
Can you please share your insights on this ?
Thank you
Team Shipturtle