Order Fulfillment webhook is not registering.

Order Fulfillment webhook is not registering.

Shopify Partner
11 0 2

I am trying to register the webhook order/fulfilled but it always returns as failed. 

The error it returns is: "You cannot create a webhook subscription with the specified topic"

I followed the nodejs/react tutorial and got the product create webhook to work but not this. I've added all the related type of topics and still fails. 

 scopes: ['read_orders', 'read_fulfillments',  'read_customers', 'read_products', 'write_products', 'read_assigned_fulfillment_orders', 'read_fulfillments' ],

Here is my webhook registration


const ordersFulilledWebhook = await registerWebhook({
address: `${HOST}/webhooks/orders/fulfilled`,
apiVersion: ApiVersion.January20
Everytime I make a change to my server.js file or .env, I restart npm, delete the app from Shopify and re install it. 
Reply 1 (1)

Shopify Staff
1831 273 418

Hey @12345vb 

You might need write_fulfillments scope too - see this thread: https://community.shopify.com/c/Shopify-APIs-SDKs/State-of-GraphQL-Admin-Api/m-p/716824/highlight/tr...

If you continue to hit an error, please share the request ID from the "You cannot create.." response headers.

Scott | Developer Advocate @ Shopify