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Order Fulfillment Webhook sent repeatedly if more than one line item in the order

Order Fulfillment Webhook sent repeatedly if more than one line item in the order

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I have an API that has not had a problem for many months, it processes a webhook that is setup in Admin on Order Fulfillment to process the order (sends an email, adds a row to a table etc). 


Recently, if an order (webhook) is received that has more than one item (ie 2 x different product items of any quantity), everything is processed correctly on my server (email, database updates etc), but I think there must be an issue with the response to Shopify, as Shopify retries. 


As far as I can see, this is only a problem with orders that have more than one item, and it has only been a problem recently. 



Replies 4 (4)

Shopify Staff
1453 238 530

Hi @uk256 👋


As noted in our webhooks best practices doc here, duplicate webhook events should be ignored and can be detect by looking for identical `X-Shopify-Webhook-Id` headers. For any other issues with webhooks created via the Admin UI (rather than Admin API), please connect with support here for further assistance.


Hope that helps!

Developer Support @ Shopify
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3 0 0
Thank you for your reply. 
I think in this case it’s not a duplicate because Shopify is sending it more than once by mistake, but rather that Shopify thinks it has not been processed successfully.  For this particular type of order, I receive retries for the 2 days. 
This has only just started happening and doesn’t happen if there is just one line item in the order. It is only when there are two line items. 

We process the order correctly, so receiving duplicates results in it being processed multiple times.  
Shopify Staff
1453 238 530

Thanks for the context! 

For webhooks created from the Admin UI, it would be best to get in contact using an authenticated account with access to merchant's store so that the team can investigate further.

Developer Support @ Shopify
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3 0 0

I have a ticket open. Maybe it’s not with the right team, as no one is investigating, the response is that duplicates are possible. Which isn’t really the cause / issue here as such.