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"Topic Invalid" error when creating webhooks

"Topic Invalid" error when creating webhooks

4 0 1

Hi, I'm using the "shopify_app" gem to create a Shopify app using Rails.

In the initialization file I have this:


config.webhooks = [
    { topic: 'customers/data_request', address: ENV['DOMAIN_URL'] + '/webhooks/gdpr_customer', format: 'json' },
    { topic: 'customers/redact', address: ENV['DOMAIN_URL'] + '/webhooks/gdpr_customer', format: 'json' },
    { topic: 'app/uninstalled', address: ENV['DOMAIN_URL'] + '/webhooks/app_uninstalled', format: 'json' },
    { topic: 'shop/redact', address: ENV['DOMAIN_URL'] + '/webhooks/shop_redact', format: 'json' },

However, when I connect my test store, I can see this error in the console:

ShopifyApp::WebhooksManager::CreationFailed (Topic Invalid topic specified. Topics allowed: app/uninstalled, shop/update, themes/create, themes/delete, themes/publish, themes/update, app_purchases_one_time/update, app_subscriptions/update)

Any idea of why this happens?



Replies 2 (2)

Shopify Partner
1843 210 488

Hey Manu,


It actually lists all the topics that are valid under "Topics allowed:". Just remove the 3 topics related to GDPR and you should be good. I believe these should be configured at the app level through admin dashboard, I could be wrong though, never used shopify_app gem.

Sergiu Svinarciuc | CTO @ visely.io
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4 0 1


@Visely-Team wrote:

Hey Manu,


It actually lists all the topics that are valid under "Topics allowed:". Just remove the 3 topics related to GDPR and you should be good. I believe these should be configured at the app level through admin dashboard, I could be wrong though, never used shopify_app gem.

Hi, this actually makes sense!