Topics covering webhook creation & management, event handling, Pub/Sub, and Eventbridge, in Shopify apps.
I subscribe to the app_subscription webhook and got this response:
{ "id':XXX, "address":"https://XXX/webhooks/app_subscriptions/update", "topic":"app_subscriptions/update", "format":"json", .... , "api_version":"2024-01"}
I then accept a subscription and my webhook gets this in the body:
<JsonPayloadValue additionalProperties: [<AdditionalProperty key: 'app_subscription' value: <JsonValue object_value: <JsonObject properties: [<Property key: 'updated_at' value: <JsonValue string_value: '2024-04-12T13:24:32-04:00'>>, <Property key: 'created_at' value: <JsonValue string_value: '2024-04-12T13:24:23-04:00'>>, <Property key: 'admin_graphql_api_shop_id' value: <JsonValue string_value: 'gid://shopify/Shop/XXX'>>, <Property key: 'status' value: <JsonValue string_value: 'ACTIVE'>>, <Property key: 'admin_graphql_api_id' value: <JsonValue string_value: 'gid://shopify/AppSubscription/XXX'>>, <Property key: 'currency' value: <JsonValue string_value: 'USD'>>, <Property key: 'name' value: <JsonValue string_value: 'XXX'>>, <Property key: 'capped_amount' value: <JsonValue string_value: '5000.0'>>]>>>]>
Any value of 'XXX' was just omitted obviously.
Why am I getting some kind of strange XML values on my JSON webhook? Is there something I need to do differently during the subscription to the webhook?