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Refund Error: cannot refund more items than were purchased

Refund Error: cannot refund more items than were purchased

Shopify Partner
16 2 3

When testing "Refunds", we've trying editing an order on a Shopify store that has not been fulfilled yet. More specifically, we removed an existing line item, "restocked" the product, and updated the order. 


If I understood the Refund resource correctly (https://shopify.dev/api/admin-rest/2021-04/resources/refund#top), through the order/edit, our app should be refunding the amount for that removed line item.


However, we receive the following error:

"errors": {
"refund_line_items.quantity": [
"cannot refund more items than were purchased"


I would greatly appreciate any help in the correct direction.

Reply 1 (1)

Shopify Partner
9 2 3

Were you able to figure this out?

Developer, Indie hacker, Twitter: @approxhuman