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Remix - Webhooks not triggering

Remix - Webhooks not triggering

Shopify Partner
1 0 0

I have created a sample app using Remix Framework. 

Tried to subscribe for some webhook topics inside shopify.app.toml



api_version = "2024-04"

  topics = [
  uri = "https://webhook.site/700f7446-f45a-41ef-9eb5-526a7bf3e231"

Also added necessary required scopes 

# Learn more at https://shopify.dev/docs/apps/tools/cli/configuration#access_scopes
scopes = "customer_read_orders,read_checkouts,read_orders,read_products,write_checkouts,write_products"

deployed using 


shopify app deploy



now when I installed a fresh app on my development store, none of the webhooks are triggering. 

I have added a console.log in webhooks.jsx that is also not being printed in console. 

Any help is appreciated. 


Reply 1 (1)

Shopify Partner
394 51 68

Hi @smoothkishore 

There is no app/installed webhook, you can try creating an order in Shopify admin.

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