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Shopify : How to test webhooks in php

Shopify : How to test webhooks in php

Shopify Partner
9 0 1

I am new in Shopify. I have created one app in php for Shopify. I have registered webhooks using admin APIs. But I don't know how to test webhooks. I have spent lots of time to figure out but not getting any proper response. How to get a response and write stuff over there? 


Is it like Apis? How to notify that webhooks are called or not.

Please help me.

Replies 10 (10)

Shopify Staff
297 31 90

Hey Dhara,


You have a couple of options here.


First, you can trigger the webhook for the topic you subscribed to by completing the associated action. ie: you've subscribed to 'products/update' so you change the title of a product to send a webhook to the address you've tied to the webhook subscription when you created it using the Admin API.


Alternatively, if you are using a development shop for testing, you can use the notification panel in the shop admin. By going to Settings -> Notifications -> Webhooks, you can create a webhook for any of the provided topics pointing to whatever address you like. You can then click the "Send test notification" button to send a webhook with the corresponding payload to the address you provided.


Some partners like to make use of online tools such as RequestBin where they can point their webhooks to for easy capture and analysis.

To learn more visit the Shopify Help Center or the Community Blog.

Shopify Partner
24 0 0


You have any tutorial for Shopify App Development with PHP .

 You have any complete tutorial...??



Shopify Developer..

4 0 1

@dhara-pawar wrote:

I am new in Shopify. I have created one app in php for Shopify. I have registered webhooks using admin APIs. But I don't know how to test webhooks. I have spent lots of time to figure out but not getting any proper response. How to get a response and write stuff over there? 


Is it like Apis? How to notify that webhooks are called or not.

Please help me.



I am try to create webhook using php. But i didn't find any documentation. Please explain how to create webhook via api using php.

3 0 4


I'm new in Shopify too and I work on an app to submit soon. I have to work right now on webhooks to accomplish the app submit and I found a pretty helpful tutorial (I don't know if I'm allowed to share kind of link here but let's try :D) : https://fly-with-shopify.myshopify.com/blogs/tutorials/setup-mandatory-webhooks-on-shopify-app

I hope this could help.


Shopify Partner
235 2 56

For app development, the webhooks issued from your test store's settings section won't authenticate (if using Shopify's libraries). I think you have to actually make the events happen to trigger a proper Shopify authenticated webhook.
Luckily, for order webhooks, you can set your test store to use a bogus gateway. There's various codes you can enter in the credit card field to test the various scenarios. Link here.



Founder @ www.preproduct.io

The smarter way to launch products.



Shopify Partner
11 0 2

ugh thank you for this! i spent so many hours trying to debug why some of the webhooks would not authenticate but nobody could answer me.

17 0 2

Hey @babysoftluke,
Were you able to test the webhooks from `Store > Admin > Settings > Notifications`?

Shopify Partner
235 2 56
You can’t test Shopify app web hooks from the store’s notification section. They won’t go through the Shopify libraries verification process.
You’ll need to produce them organically through an action on your test store.

If your using a free NGROK account, you’ll also need to re-install on your test store each time it’s URL changes. That’s the only way I’ve been able to reliably set the apps web hook settings to the new server URL.

I would love to be proven wrong though!
17 0 2

Hey @OliUK, my dev app works fine with test stores. However, the app that I have submitted for review isn't receiving webhooks. Any idea of how to test the app which is under review?


Shopify Partner
235 2 56


Hmm, have you definitely updated the web-hook addresses in your app code-base to use the production app’s server address?
I use the Ruby Shopify app gem, so am not familiar with the PHP equivalent.