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Shopify Integration with Midtrans: Customizing Request Body

Shopify Integration with Midtrans: Customizing Request Body

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Hello everyone!


I'm having trouble for my 3rd party integration with Midtrans payment gateway.

I had discussion with Midtrans teams and they say there are some required field in body request that is still in null value when customer is checkout using Midtrans payment gateway.

The required field are as follows:

  1. "phone" field in customer_details object
    Ref: JSON Objects (midtrans.com)
  2. "address" and "phone" in cutsomer_details.shipping_address object
    Ref: JSON Objects (midtrans.com)
  3. "type" and "url" in item_details object
    Ref: JSON Objects (midtrans.com)

Is there a way to modify the request body that's sent to Midtrans when an order is created?


Any help or guidance would be greatly appreciated. Thanks in advance!

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