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Shopify Webhook Create Order

Shopify Webhook Create Order

2 0 0

Hello nice People :),


the Webhook Create Order is not sending the address_line_address2 is this just a bug from my side and do's anyone know what could be a solution here


Best, Bene

Reply 1 (1)

Shopify Staff
30 5 14

Hi Bene,


It looks like for an Order that the address will be set as `address1` and `address2` fields. But this can depend on which version of the API you're using. I'd advice you look at the documentation with the API version you're using here: https://shopify.dev/api/admin-rest/2021-10/resources/order#[post]/admin/api/2021-10/orders.json.


I hope this will help!




Cédric | Developer @ Shopify

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