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Subscription-related webhooks

Subscription-related webhooks

New Member
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I am using the api to create webhooks necessary for managing subscription contracts, etc - 


When I try to create a webhook, I get the following error -

Invalid topic specified: subscription_contracts/create. Does it exist? Is there a missing access scope? Topics allowed: app/uninstalled, carts/create, carts/update, checkouts/create, checkouts/delete, checkouts/update, collection_listings/add, collection_listings/remove, collection_listings/update, collections/create, collections/delete, collections/update, customer_groups/create, customer_groups/delete, customer_groups/update, customers/create, customers/delete, customers/disable, customers/enable, customers/update, draft_orders/create, draft_orders/delete, draft_orders/update, order_transactions/create, orders/cancelled, orders/create, orders/delete, orders/edited, orders/fulfilled, orders/paid, orders/partially_fulfilled, orders/updated, product_listings/add, product_listings/remove, product_listings/update, products/create, products/delete, products/update, refunds/create, shop/update, inventory_levels/connect, inventory_levels/update, inventory_levels/disconnect, inventory_items/create, inventory_items/update, inventory_items/delete, tender_transactions/create, app_purchases_one_time/update, app_subscriptions/update, domains/create, domains/update, domains/destroy 

As you can see the subscription webhooks are not listed as option all though they are in the documentation.

My app has full access to the Subscriptions API's - I have been using it to create selling plans, etc. I've tried all api versions 2021-01 and above and am able to create other webhooks listed as options in the error. Is there another way I should be creating these webhooks?


I did not have the appropriate scopes for the shop I was working on. This was my first instinct but since I was able to create selling plans with no problem, I thought it wasn't the case. Upon further examination you only need write_products permision to create selling plans.


Reply 1 (1)

Shopify Partner
835 73 179

Hi @B_A 

Sincerely hope you're having a great day!

You should mark your post as solved.

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