Uninstall webhook invokes multiple times

Uninstall webhook invokes multiple times

Shopify Partner
8 0 1

I created a simple test public app that reacts on uninstall event through 'app/uninstalled' webhook which has callbal url in the form https://myserver.com/shopify/uninstall.

After a week of testing I found some unexpectable behaviour of my app. I found that Shopify server can callback on  'app/uninstalled' webhook multiple times even if each time my server responce is 200 OK (successfully uninstalled from my server). Why does it happen?

https://myserver.com/shopify/uninstall?installid=2af85f7e       <-  200 OK
https://myserver.com/shopify/uninstall?installid=2af85f7e       <- callbacks again!
https://myserver.com/shopify/uninstall?installid=18ed435c     <-  200 OK
https://myserver.com/shopify/uninstall?installid=18ed435c     <- callbacks again!
https://myserver.com/shopify/uninstall?installid=18ed435c     <- callbacks again!

What might be wrong?

Thanks in advance!

Replies 2 (2)

Shopify Staff (Retired)
254 20 48

Hey Serge,

Looking at our logs, you didn't respond 200 OK in time. You have 5 seconds to respond, or we consider it a timeout.

Shayne | Developer Advocate @ Shopify 
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Shopify Partner
8 0 1

Hmm.. I used debug so may be.

One more question then: should I manually delete all subcsribed webhooks through API when application uninstalled or Shopify will remove it automatically?