Webhook Deliveries not showing for Custom/Private apps

Webhook Deliveries not showing for Custom/Private apps

Shopify Partner
84 4 20

Per this announcement, we should be able to see webhook deliveries for public and custom apps.

We do not have a public app at the moment, but do have custom and private apps. 




However, those private and custom apps don't show up on our Apps page.


If we try to "hack" the web deliveries URL and put in the App Id for these private/cutom apps (i.e. https://partners.shopify.com/<partner-Id>/apps/<app_id>/webhook_deliveries), the webhook deliveries page doesn't return any results.


How do we see webhook history for private/custom apps?

Are they supposed to show up in our Partner App page?



Chad Richardson
Mozzo Software - Modular Software that grows with you from solopreneur to a 200 person mega team. Why keep outgrowing your Shopify Apps? Start with us, and just use the modules you need, then add more as you grow. http://MozzoERP.com
Replies 2 (2)

Shopify Partner
3 0 1



Did you find any solution to this ? I am in contact with the Shopify Partners support team to understand why no metrics are being shown in the Webhook Deliveries Dashboard.

I have created a community post here :

Shopify Partner
84 4 20

Unfortunately not.

Chad Richardson
Mozzo Software - Modular Software that grows with you from solopreneur to a 200 person mega team. Why keep outgrowing your Shopify Apps? Start with us, and just use the modules you need, then add more as you grow. http://MozzoERP.com