Webhook HMAC verification works locally but fails on testing environment

Webhook HMAC verification works locally but fails on testing environment

3 0 0

I have a Rails app. 


We have validation code similar to the example code here:

(though updated since that's 2016)



api_secret = Rails.application.config.shopify[:api_secret]
@body = request.body.read
calculated_hmac = Base64.strict_encode64(OpenSSL::HMAC.digest('sha256', api_secret, @body))
hmac_header = request.headers["HTTP_X_SHOPIFY_HMAC_SHA256"]
Rails.logger.info "hmac_header: #{hmac_header} comparing against calculated_hmac #{calculated_hmac}"
Rails.logger.info "body: #{@body}"
Rails.logger.info "api_secret: #{api_secret}"
unless ActiveSupport::SecurityUtils.secure_compare(calculated_hmac, hmac_header)
  Rails.logger.error "hmac_header: #{hmac_header} failed to compare against calculated_hmac #{calculated_hmac}"
  Rails.logger.error "body: #{@body}"
  render json_error_403


When a product is updated through Shopify, the product/update webhook is called. This part works fine locally (via ngrok) and on testing.

However, when it gets to the verification code, it works locally and the calculated HMAC is equal to the HMAC header, but on the testing environment it does not. 


I've tried running locally in prod mode and it still works.


I'm at a loss for why it would fail in one and not the other. Ideas?


Replies 4 (4)

Shopify Staff (Retired)
628 49 110

Hi @parkerhobbydb,


Are you switching the secret used to calculate the hmac when you are switching environments? Presumably your testing and prod apps are different apps in Shopify, each with their own secret. It's an oopsie I've seen far too often.


Let me know if that's not the case and we can go back to the drawing board.



To learn more visit the Shopify Help Center or the Community Blog.

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Yes, we have different apps, and different tokens + secrets. All of that is ok. 
I'm wondering if there's something weird with Unicorn (server) vs Webrick (server local) and the Ruby implementation.

Shopify Staff (Retired)
628 49 110

What exactly is the error you are seeing? I don't see how the server would cause issues calculating an hmac, assuming the parameters used to sign were correct, but a better idea of the error occurring might help.



To learn more visit the Shopify Help Center or the Community Blog.

3 0 0

That's the odd thing!


The error is that the request header (HMAC) sent in from Shopify is different from the calculated HMAC header.

When running and calculating the header via the console it calculates the same when I put in all the data via local, but when I put in the same data (with different tokens/secrets changed), it's different.

This is super weird, sorry.