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Webhook order/fulfilled is not having customer phone & default address phone param in the payload.

Webhook order/fulfilled is not having customer phone & default address phone param in the payload.

Shopify Partner
1 0 0

For Shopify public app, we have a use case where for the webhook order create, fulfilled, paid etc., we send sms or whatsApp to the customer phone number. But for the webhook, we are not getting the customer phone and customer default address phone param in the payload.
Where as, in Shopify custom app, we are getting the customer phone and customer default address phone param in the payload and able to send the sms or whatsApp. 
Can you please help us why we are not getting the customer phone and customer default address phone param in the public app's webhook payload. 

Reply 1 (1)

Shopify Partner
1972 564 564

Hi @SurveySparrow,


Did you request for protected customer data access in Partner? 



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