Webhook subscribtion

Webhook subscribtion

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Hi all!
I develop an app for shopify stores. In my app I'm making a subscription on 'domain/change' webhook.
So I had installed the app to my store. The app had sent request
    'webhook': {
      'topic': 'domains/update',
      'address': `https://2c9302fe2bd2.ngrok.io`,
      'format': 'json'
    'headers': { 'X-Shopify-Access-Token': accessToken }

And I received:
  status: 201,
  statusText: 'Created',
  config: {
    data: '{"webhook":{"topic":"domains/update","address":"https://2c9302fe2bd2.ngrok.io","format":"json"}}'
Looks like I've subscribed successfully. But when I had changed the primary domain through Shopify admin


I didn't receive the webhook response on https://2c9302fe2bd2.ngrok.io .
Could you help me, please? Did I miss something? What could I'm doing wrong?
Reply 1 (1)

Shopify Partner
1033 86 292

Wouldn't the webhook fire for domains/create for that scenario? You aren't editing a domain that's already defined in the Shopify web admin. You are replacing an already-defined domain name with a new one. Maybe subscribe to that webhook and see what happens...