Webhook validation using app token

Webhook validation using app token

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We have created an app for stores, and will be using webhooks.  I have previously registered for webhooks via the GUI, and API, and have validated the HMACs successfully.   Currently, I am registering the webhooks using the app token in the header, but am not sure what secret I should be using to validate the webhook once it arrives.  When you go through the GUI, you are given a secret on the bottom of the page.  When you create a private app, you are given a shared_secret.  When the app is installed, all I am getting is a token, so I am not sure what to use to validate the webhook. 

Thank you


Reply 1 (1)

2 0 0

I have same issue... nobody have the solution..

If you have a workarround, pls share some info.

Tks in advance