Topics covering webhook creation & management, event handling, Pub/Sub, and Eventbridge, in Shopify apps.
Hi All,
I have created webooks using
1. using shopify console(Settings-> Notifications -> Create webhooks)
2. Https request
Using postman when I am hittin url:,
I am getting response:
But these webooks are the ones that I created using shopify Https POST request. This resposne doesnt contain the webhooks that created from shopify UI. And again above metioned webhooks are not appearing in shopify UI.
Can anyone help me if I am doing any thing wrong
Hi @ShrutiM – the webhooks you add through the console won't be visible when using the REST endpoints, and vice versa – webhooks added through REST won't show up in the console. You can verify your REST webhooks were added correctly by doing a GET and confirming the list returned. Hope this helps!
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