Topics covering webhook creation & management, event handling, Pub/Sub, and Eventbridge, in Shopify apps.
Q: Why is the apiVersion 2020-01, and how do I / should I set it?
I'm using the Shopify GraphQL App to create a webhookSubscriptionCreate for APP_UNINSTALLED using:
(The apiVersion is 2020-01 in my app also, even though it my app is set to 2024-04)
mutation webhookSubscriptionCreate($topic: WebhookSubscriptionTopic!, $webhookSubscription: WebhookSubscriptionInput!) { webhookSubscriptionCreate(topic: $topic, webhookSubscription: $webhookSubscription) { webhookSubscription { id topic format endpoint { __typename ... on WebhookHttpEndpoint { callbackUrl } } } } }
{ "topic": "APP_UNINSTALLED", "webhookSubscription": { "callbackUrl": "", "format": "JSON" } }
When queried with:
query webhookSubscriptions($topic: [WebhookSubscriptionTopic!]) { webhookSubscriptions(first: 250, topics: $topic) { nodes { id topic apiVersion { displayName handle supported } createdAt updatedAt endpoint { ... on WebhookHttpEndpoint { __typename callbackUrl } } } } }
"data": { "webhookSubscriptions": { "nodes": [ { "id": "gid://shopify/WebhookSubscription/1197962789072", "topic": "APP_UNINSTALLED", "apiVersion": { "displayName": "2020-01 (Unsupported)", "handle": "2020-01", "supported": false }, "createdAt": "2024-05-03T06:53:37Z", "updatedAt": "2024-05-03T06:53:37Z", "endpoint": { "__typename": "WebhookHttpEndpoint", "callbackUrl": "" } } ] } },