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Which Hook Should I Use To Create App Files In Theme At The Time Of Installation Of App

Which Hook Should I Use To Create App Files In Theme At The Time Of Installation Of App

Shopify Partner
3 0 0

am new to Shopify app development and creating a simple contact app which have contact form and all the submission from this form will be saved in the database of the App. I am using Laravel for the app development and using osiset/laravel-shopify package for creating connection of app with the Shopify.


Now I want to create a liquid file in the theme at the time of installation of app. I know that I have to call the shop API and get the active theme Id and then using API I can create it. Here is the post I found for the same. But I don't understand at which event/hook or where would I add the code to create the file. I searched for it and didn't found a working solution. Can anyone guide me to the right direction of how I can achieve this.


Many Thanks

Reply 1 (1)

Shopify Partner
2 0 1

Have you find any solution ??