How can we separately display the Colorado retail delivery fee on invoices?

How can we separately display the Colorado retail delivery fee on invoices?

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According to the CO DOR site, the delivery fee must be shown on the customer-facing invoice and separate from any other fees or taxes (effective May 2023): 

In general, any retailer that is not exempt must collect the fee on all retail deliveries and must show the total of the fees on the receipt or invoice as one item called “retail delivery fees” that is separate and distinct from the sales price and other charges. 

Is there a plan to have the tax broken out on its own line?  We have had a customer complain about it recently.  This is the latest note on the Shopify side regarding the fee from what I can tell: 

How will this fee appear for my customers?

The fee will be included in the taxes on the order. Currently, it will not show as its own line item."

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