How to display GST-inclusive prices for Australian customers on Shopify?

How to display GST-inclusive prices for Australian customers on Shopify?

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Hi all, 

I've recently moved my site across to Shopify from WooCommerce and am loving it... except for this one thing. 

I sell products internationally and domestically in Australia. In WooCommerce, I was able to set the base price of an item i.e. $49.95. If the person was in Australia it would add GST - which is 10% of the cost, therefore total price displayed would be $54.95.  

Now, if the person accessing the site was from Australia, the price would show up as $54.95, and if they were from another country outside of Australia, it would show up as $49.95. 

Shopify only seems to be able to toggle an option of prices include tax, or don't include tax. It just adds it on at the checkout phase. 

What I'm trying to achieve, is show the price including GST for Australia, and excluding GST for international visitors. 

Otherwise Australian customers think oh great, the cost is X, and then they get slapped with GST in the checkout, which I don't think is ideal. 

Any help would be appreciated 🙂 

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