Why is my store charging tax in states other than California?

Why is my store charging tax in states other than California?

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I’m based in California and as far as I’m concerned, I don’t have a Nexxus anywhere else. I don’t believe I’ve made enough money to have one elsewhere. I randomly saw that one of my customers in Texas had to pay taxes on their order and then I just saw this right now. I will attach a screenshot. I’m in Southern California of course all of my Southern California or just California customers pay tax and their orders but why are people in these other areas having to be taxed as well? 

Reply 1 (1)

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I have the same issue. I’m based in Florida, with no nexus anywhere else, and just had a customer in Texas who was charged sale tax. None of my other out of state customers have ever been charged tax until now. Is this a Texas thing?

