Re: What a 1 time use discount means?

What does a one-time use discount mean?

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I'm wondering what a one-time use means?  Does it mean that it's one coupon that can be used only one time, and then it will expire and no one else can use it and I have to create another one for another user?

Or it means that it's a coupon that can be used once per user, that's mean that it will expire for the user, but I can use it with another user, like a "welcome" coulon.


Thanks for your help.

Replies 2 (2)

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Limit to one use per customer, basically means that every customer that chooses to use the coupon can use the coupon only once.

Nick | Ecommerce & Marketing Technology Consultant | Toronto, CANADA
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There are two available settings for both of the situations you described. You can find them listed in Step 10 of this help document, but I'll explain them here for you as well. These settings are found under the Usage limits section when creating a discount

    • Limit number of times this discount can be used in total lets you set a total number of times that a discount can be used. For example, setting a limit of 200 allows the discount code to be used 200 times across your customer base. If you choose this setting, then customers can use the discount multiple times.
    • Limit to one per customer tracks a customer's email address or phone number to limit the discount to one use per customer. This only applies to fixed value discounts.

What type of discount promotions are you looking at running? We have a blog article on ways to use discounts to generate more sales if you're interested in some coaching information. Let us know if you have further questions! 

To learn more visit the Shopify Help Center or the Community Blog.