What's the best theme for a flower delivery website?

What's the best theme for a flower delivery website?

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Hello! I am working on my personal flower delivery website shop,  Please I need help with a theme! I already bought the Dawn theme, but it turned out that many themes are not suitable for a flower or gift delivery site. Since you need a function to choose the date and time of delivery, you need the option to add a message to the recipient, and the option from whom, in short, those options that are on the flower delivery site, please help how to find such a theme, any related info would be appreciated,

thank you All so much


just incase my email 


Replies 6 (6)

Shopify Partner
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Hello Nasy, 
if you're familiar with code and Shopify .liquid you can always add the input fields you need to your product page on the Dawn theme,
if not you can contact me on my email bellow, I'll be happy to help.

Shopify Partner
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Hello @Nasy , This is PageFly - a Free Shopify Landing Page Builder. You can use and theme you like and integrate some 3rd party apps to archive the function you like. We also have some templates that would be suitable for you to build a flower shop. Let check it out: https://pagefly.io/pages/preview?template=flora
How did you prepare for Mother's day? We would love to share with you some tips too: https://pagefly.link/rNUcjvdd

It would be a good choice for you to have professional sites that look incredible on mobile & desktop without any extra coding, and you will have lots more time focusing on marketing strategies, so you can consider checking PageFly with 24/7 support live chat.
Thank you and Hope that it will be useful to you. 

Shopify Partner
883 16 96

Hi @Nasy 


You can check free theme Debut theme and after that you can add delivery option as custom.

Let me know any questions

Vinod Sachdev
Digital Centrics
Digital Marketing Manager
Google & Bing Ads | Website Design & Development | Conversion Rate Optimization

Shopify Partner
41 0 13

Hi @Nasy !


If you are looking to piece together a solution for a florist, we have solved one aspect of it - the personal message.  Please check out our app here, we just released it, and would be happy to work with you to tweak it to your needs.  We built it with florists specifically in mind.  https://apps.shopify.com/voucherapp 

New Member
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I'm curious what you found.  We're working on our website migration to Shopify as well, but there are so many separate apps/plugins to get delivery schedules, dates set for local delivery etc - I wish there was a more native way to do it in Shopify that just works.