Where can I find the Fotowood.com store after being redirected to Shopify?

Where can I find the Fotowood.com store after being redirected to Shopify?

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I am searching for a store called Fotowood.com that sold me an item and it is no longer found. All the links from their email to see my Order or visit their store goes directly to Shopify site


Order #3965


Thank you for your purchase!

Hi Brenda, we're getting your order ready to be shipped. We will notify you when it has been sent.


View your order


or Visit our store


Order summary



Premium Adjustable LensGlasses 👓 50% OFF NOW! 👓 FREE SHIPPING🔥 × 1
BUY 1 28.99












$34.98 USD


Customer information


Shipping address

Brenda Anglin
259 Horseshoe Road
Summerfield LA 71079
United States

Billing address

Brenda Anglin
259 Horseshoe Road
Summerfield LA 71079
United States


Shipping method

Standard Shipping (12-20 Days)

Payment method

Paypal — $34.98

This was seized by the Government at the USPS site for this as per USPS: 

Tracking Number: 9400111200793274531362

Your item has been seized by Law Enforcement due to counterfeit postage. Please contact the merchant or seller to request a refund.



Seized by Law Enforcement for Counterfeit Postage

Reply 1 (1)

Shopify Staff
1511 169 264

Hi, @Granny70.


Thanks for reaching out about this.


For context, Shopify is an ecommerce platform that many online stores use to build and host their website. We don't, however, manage the businesses of any stores that utilise our platform.


In saying this, I can understand your concerns in no longer being able to locate the store. Have you tried reaching out to the store via email, phone call or any of their social media pages? I recommend to firstly reply to the order confirmation email, to see if you can speak with the store in regards to a refund.


If you aren't able to reach the store at all, you can then contact your credit card provider or your bank so that they can help provide further options in regards to your purchase with the store.


Due to security and privacy reasons, while we can't confirm or deny if a store is operating on Shopify you can also get in touch with our live support team here to report the store if you believe that they are acting maliciously. From there, select the Continue without logging in option and type in your question or the topic you need help with. After that, you should see the Get Support heading at the very bottom of the page, and you can click Continue to start a support request.

Kimi | Social Care @ Shopify 
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