Re: Filters has wrong default value translated

Filters has wrong default value translated

2 0 1



Unsure how it happened but so far both filters (availability and price) are always displayed in Spanish no matter what I do when changing to other languages. See the screenshots, it looks like it's a bug in how the default store was created or something.  


See greyed areas

  • label Precio column English, when it should be Price
  • label Disponibilidad column English, when it should be Availability


Screenshot 2024-01-22 at 01.56.01.png

Screenshot 2024-01-22 at 01.55.52.png


I am starting with this, so no problem if I need to remove everything and start again.


Thanks for the help. 

Replies 7 (7)

Shopify Partner
1400 174 384

If you made any edits to your 'default theme content' then it could be that those edits are overriding what you have set via the translation app. 


Admin > online store > themes > click the "..." dropdown next to your theme > edit default theme content > search for "availability" and "price" (separately) > see if they are showing in Spanish there ... if they are, then delete the edits and save changes > then try to translate them via the app again. 

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2 0 1

Thanks for your suggestion but it didn't work. I didn't see any of these related to filters. Also, I didn't modify any texts, maybe the system did when I switched the shop from the default Spanish language to English. I am desperate for this

Shopify Staff
652 96 170

Hi @jordi007 , could you share the steps you've taken on your store so far, specifically what you did before and after changing your store's default language from Spanish to English? What had you setup by the time you changed it? For example your navigation menu is also in Spanish. We'll help you get it fixed, but want to understand what's happened so far.

To learn more visit the Shopify Help Center or the Community Blog.

1 0 0

Hi @richbrown_staff, I have a similar issue to @jordi007. At first, my store was in Polish and then I rebuilt it and changed the default language to English in Shopify settings. Everything was translated except the two filters on the collection screen - Availability (Dostepność) and Price (Cena).


When I talked to the support I was advised to use the translation app but I'd like to avoid it. I think it should just work as it seems like some kind of a bug. Do you know any alternatives? Maybe you can tell me which part of the code should I update to get these texts updated? Unfortunately, I cannot find these translations in the theme content. They are not there. I'm using the Sense theme. If you need more info please let me know.


Screenshot 2024-01-26 at 08.04.46.png

Shopify Staff
652 96 170

Hi @marcinh7 and @jordi007 , thanks for this. We've followed up and there's a bug where changing default language does not reset filter option values. It's being fixed but in the mean time the workaround is to install the Search & Discovery app (not Translate & Adapt) and change these filter values back into your new default language. You can then uninstall that app if you want, but this is how you modify those filters' default values.

To learn more visit the Shopify Help Center or the Community Blog.

13 0 4

Thank you very much, same issue right here.
Just I Open the store -> translate to Hebrew -> and it didn't work change through Translate & Adapt filters.

So I did as you said and downloaded Search & Discovery app and it worked out well

I'm writing this comment for someone who might face it like mine.

1 0 0

Good morning. This problem isn´t fixed yet by changing the language of the store. Personally I didn´t edit anything besides changing the language in settings.


The solution presented works and fixes the problem. Thank you very much.


Best regards.