What is the best payment gateway option for my US LLC based in Lebanon?

What is the best payment gateway option for my US LLC based in Lebanon?

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I have been having a problem with deciding what is the right option to choose when it comes to payment gateways. 

I am currently residing in Lebanon and I know that Shopify Payment, Stripe and many other gateways are not available in my country. I decided to check other payment gateways and i concluded that I must have an LLC that would allow me to sell worldwide and gain access to many payment gateways. I am 1 step away from getting my LLC but I want to be assured of one thing.

If I open my online store and my LLC is in the US, do I set the location/adress of my Shopify store as the adress of the LLC or do I insert my country?

Because when I set it as my LLC, I get access to Shopify Payment. When i set it as Lebanon, I only get what may be available and I kind of trust Shopify Payment and Stripe much more than any other 3rd party payment providers.

As for the documents for the LLC, it includes an EIN, SSN, business bank account, and other documentations.

I appreciate any help that can help me choose whay I should do.

Thank you.

Replies 2 (2)

Shopify Partner
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Yes  @Abdullah771  You Need LLC and You can from as a non usa resident in usa and can activate shopify payments easily 

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Hi Abdullah,

Hope you managed to complete setting up online payment for your shop successfully.

I'm also based in Lebanon and have struggled a lot with payment gateways. 

I've just came accross your post and it helped me confirm that I'm on the right way. Creating an LLC is the way to go. I'm considering doola (LLC in US)


If you don't mind sharing updates on your journey would be greatly appreciated.

You decided to choose US as store location? or Leb? 


Thanks in advance,
